This society is established in north Lahore. In this area there is no any institution of vocational training Centre for women, that’s why this society start the project of vocational training center. The purpose of establishment of this society was to empower the whole area of society. To give them earning ways to women because today in our society there are too much problems for every person they are not able to fulfill their daily basis needs for survival. So we want to make the women capable to survive in good ways.
Social Resolution Welfare Society is already working on vocational training courses and we also want to work on these courses. There are not any Government & Private institutions in this area. So this society is a need of people to provide for their employment. Today is a modern society & every person wants to become the important part of society so he always try to become better and more better that’s why this society take step to make an institution for women. By providing them vocational skills they can stand in society. With the blessing of Allah we successfully completed women Skills project (A) & start new project (B) child health project for community development. We will try to approach child issue in different hospitals as privately & Government level as the condition of treatment
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Sustainable rural development is a dynamic process posing various needs at different phases of time. These can be dealt with continuous interventions based on designed frameworks that incorporate the requirements projected by the communities and with the help of the communities by strategizing for public-private partnership
SRWS has strong linkages with major NGOs and funding agencies working in Pakistan. It has undertaken initiatives in District Lahore through collaboration with local CBOs and activists. SRWS enjoys a rich experience of working in the diverse socio-cultural environment of district and an extensive networking with the District & Provincial Governments, civil society institutions, media and political parties
We are a non-profital & Charity raising money for child education
Raised : Pk 294,255 / Pk 90,00,000
SRWS to play an active role in order to ensure the practice and establish the child rights at the all levels of the society and also within the organization.
Raised : Pk 374,255 / Pk 50,00,000
Child rights project development and implementation for empowering the children that will lead to nation building initiative in larger range of the process
Raised : Pk 404,250 / Pk 70,00,000
The policy guided SRWS to perform in well functions including strategic and operational planning, resource mobilization and allocation and implementation for ensuring child